Wednesday, October 14, 2015

In the service of others we serve the Lord

What an incredible day in the land of the Fire Volcano!

There were so many wonderful examples of service to our fellow brothers and sisters. Let's start with the paint!
Before Paint
After Paint
 Scott and Todd headed up a painting project- the sanctuary at the church & school we used for our clinic space the past three days. The team as a whole were touched beyond words to learn the men of the church (and our bus driver!) volunteered to help paint once we were given permission- what service to each other!


Another blessing was the pepian- a Mayan broth made with special spices and a piece of chicken and a guatemalan vegetable called wisquill- this lunch was again made by the women of the church, which included blue corn tortillas! Patty and Deb were designated team tortilla makers today!

Included in our patient volume today were local firemen! One of the fireman in his doctor interview when complimented on his career choice replied, "it is our duty to care for our fellow man." He also had a ring with a tiny rosary wrapped around the ring, to help him with his prayers. It was an honor to serve someone who serves others even in the face of danger.


And to bring to light the extra service of one of the provider teams- Karen and Courtney saw a young girl about 18 months old yesterday with her mom. The girl had a complicated case and per the mom it was previously not feasible to obtain specialty care- Karen felt the mom required more reassurance and follow up after the visit yesterday. Thanks to our amazing host, Nuri- she was able to coordinate a home visit today for Karen and Courtney. The two were blessed to have the opportunity to evaluate the little girl further, and also to have an in depth conversation with the parents and grandparents of the little girl, and were able to offer the family more medical information, and hope.

One of the church elders today summed up our experience here, and our callings as Christians here on Earth- Luke 17:7-10- we are here to serve others, and in that service, serve the Lord.

Buenas Noches from your 2015 Gautemala mission team

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